I am so overwhelmed with all the love i got from you guys yesterday. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I guess i must be doing something right. I had a great day and i really wish everyone could have been there. I got suprises and phone calls and prayers and my heart was just sooo full. Thanks to all the bloggers that called me and sent emails - Ms D woke me up at 12.35am...Mad i tell you in a good way. I also had the pleasure of meeting a particular blogger who i think is even more fun than on blogsville...Wont say who since i am not sure the blogger would like that given the cloak of mystery that surrounds this blogger.
Well, its over now (*sob* I didnt want the day to end) and its back to real life....
Thanks again! Much love...........
The day's over now and I wanted to call you but I obviously didn't. I'll still call you sha! Better late than never!
I'm glad you had a beautiful birthday, you deserved it :-)
Sweet! Aren't you going to regale us with what happened yesterday? Tell us! lol...
Is it too late to say happy belated birthday? Did u eat fried rice and chicken and lovely pound cake with proper Naija icing?
Happy belated birthday
Happy Belated Birthday Uzo
I know that I am late as usual but ur blob never fails to inspire..
U r still at the very top of my 'blogger I would most like to meet' list...
Take care
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