Luther Vandross - Here and Now.
I have had a very very eventful morning and i intend to blog about that as soon as i catch my breath.
Luther, Luther, Luther. I adore this man and his music. I love and like a lot of artists but Luther is my all time favorite artist. No-one comes close to him in my world. I hear his voice and i swoon. I just close my eyes and sing away. My love for all things Luther is a well known fact with my family - so much so that when he died and my dad saw the report on CNN, he had to be a bit diplomatic in his delivery of the news. I of course crumpled to the floor crying. So melodramatic i know but i felt deep pain. I was soooo sad and decided to listen to every Luther cd in my collection.
I still feel pangs of pain when i hear songs or as was the case last week - a wonderful blogger sent me a Youtube link of his live performance of 'House is not a home" performed at the NAACP awards many years back. I got weepy and that just ended my day. LOL.
This song Here and Now is not my favorite Luther song even though i love it. Its monumental because it is a staple at weddings and it was Luther's first top ten song on the Billboard chart, won him his first Grammy and was the first Luther song to be played on jazz stations.
What's not to love about this song. The words are just IT. His delivery meakes you thankful to be in that moment - that here and now. His voice also fills one with yearning if you dont have or havent had a here and now moment.
Luther will always remain my favorite and his songs classics to be enjoyed for generations to come.
*If you would like this song, leave an email address in the comments section*
I love this song!!!
"Here and now..
I promise to love faithfully...."
I love Luther!
I'll never forget.
I had made my way to Philly for live 8, I was in the middle of digesting a philly cheese stake when my S/O at the time got a phone call..
Luther Passed away.
I dropped everything, spent the next 20 odd minutes wondering around Philadelphia just quiet, it felt like everything romantic stopped for a minute. Just stopped.
Luther was just...
hhmmm i love love this song too. one of my wedding songs by God's grace.
i love this song...
RIP Luther
i love luther... this here and now song is one of my friends favorite song... as in I think she would jilt her husband at the altar if he doesn't play this song for her on her wedding day... no lie... as in this girl can take time off ANYTHING to listen to this song... she loved it so much that i hated it... then loved it again... lol.. great writeup uzo.. and yes you are melodramatic.. if it was awilo longomba you were crying for like that... then i would understand oh.. lol
Sometimes I wonder how many "Luther Babies" there are. His songs remind you that there used to be something called romance...
lol@kibaati's 'luther babies' comment.. i like that!
This is my boo right here. I have said it...I am singing SO AMAZING to my husband on our wedding day...LOL. Luther is without a doubt, a classic that will infinitely live on.
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