My tailor Mr Mohammed returned a finished outfit to me via my mom on Friday and i was mega excited (as most women are) to have a new outfit. It looked so gorgeous. Long full skirt with a simple but oh so fitted top. Skirt even had some hidden slits so everytime i walked, there was a hint of my yellow legs (for some insane reason, my legs are really really light).
Anyway, i tried it on Saturday morning and i loved the way it fit so i decided to wear it to dinner that night with a friend. The invitation came at the last minute and i just figured - hey new outfit - what the hell?
So i got all dressed up. I put my make up on, then i put on the outfit, slid my feet into the slides and got into my friend's car. I had a little bit of difficulty getting into the car but i figured the shoes were to blame.
During the ride to the restaurant i was distracted by the conversation but i felt a bit funny. Could it be that i was seeing this man in a different light. I mean i had never been breathless around him before but maybe God was sending me a sign. Interesting....
We got to the restaurant and while we were walking in, i felt great. I figured the intimacy of the car with the soft music and conversation were to blame for the giddiness i felt. We got in and sat and did the whole pre-amble before dinner. Then i started to feel light headed again. What the hell?
Not enough to disturb dinner but enough for me to be worried. I mentioned the fact that i felt a little dizzy to my friend but he just said i was probably tired from working all week, then of course me made a joke about his presence being responsible. We laughed and got on to the business of eating.
Couldnt really eat much since i felt weird so most of my dinner was packed to go. About 2 hrs later, we get up to leave and as we walk out of the restaurant, i feel better again. Aha! I said to my friend that the restaurant and all the smells of food and perfume must have made me breathless. Since i was out in the open i felt better. We stopped to say hi to a few people and i was back to being myself. We got back into the car and it started again. We had to leave the windows down and he kept asking if i was okay. I was so close to tears because i couldnt understand what was going on with me.
He dropped me off and the moment i got out of the car i felt so much better. So i turned to him and said maybe my body didnt want to go out. So i smiled and walked into my house. Walked up the stairs and got into my room. Called my friend to tell him i was okay and then i sat down to take my shoes and accessories off. The dizziness started again and then i felt pain.
At this point, i thought i was dying so i hurriedly pulled my clothes off to get into my pyjamas or something so i could run to my parents to take me to the hospital. The moment the clothes came off, i felt so much better that i sat down in relief.
It took like 5 minutes for me to realise that there was nothing wrong with me at all. The skirt was too tight and had been cutting off my circulation. Standing up was fine but the moment i sat down, i was effectively cut in 2. LOL....
I picked up the phone to call Mr Mohammed to lambast him. He couldnt understand what happened. Then he told me to hold on. When he came back on the one, he told me in his heavy ghanaian accent - "My sister. Sorry oh. I make mistake with ya measurements. E b like say na another person own i use for ya skirt. For the hip place and for the waist. I jus dey too busy these days. Sorry my sister. No vex"
Let me admit that i was very relieved that i wasnt dying or that i hadnt put on weight. But just to be sure, i took another skirt and placed this one on it and there was a difference. I told my mom the story and she started laughing. Apparently, Mr Mohammed had made the same mistake more than once with her as well......
lol!@ Mr. Mohammed.
Tailors can be so annoying at times. So that skirt now is useless
You can't use it again be that?
Pele love,I was wondering when I wasa reading that what could be wrong?
Glad to know you are well
LOL!!!! I hope this is not the tailor you were telling me about!
I figured it was tight immediately! LOL!
Yeah, I knew is was tight from the first!... Lol Lol Lol...
Quick question: is he going to re-fit the skirt or...
Damn, that must have been some kinda situation and the guy, erroneously thinking, NO...wishing he was the one making yu giddy.
Thankfully, it didn't metamorphose into something else, unpleasant.
lol..that woulda sucked..sorry babes...lol
lol...tew funny
goodness, as funny as that is, what if you fainted now? lmao
lol...LMAO...ee ya...at least it wasnt ur fault...
My mom took me to Mr Mohammed this past xmas oh...na so i was excited, waiting for my dress that i was going to wear to a wedding.....only for me to pick it up and it was bout 4 inches too short...something that was sposed to be skimming the ground...I WASSS SOOO MADDD!!!..
anyhow..he eventually made it into a calf length dress sha....
lol.. legs are usually light if you don't show them often(my legs are a lil dark cos i Always show them.. well at least used to.. lol.. i'm a changed man.. ahem.. woman! lol)lmao@your cut circulation
This babe you sabi gist sha… I swear I thought you were going to tell me that mr. mohammed had ‘juju’d the outfit oh… lol(yes I reject it for you in Jesus name… asheee.. lol)
lol mr mohammed is a joker 4sure... hehe
lol, this was too funny, crazy stuffs, glad it was d outfit n nothing else though!
O GA OH!! skirt cutting off ur circulation. How come I didnt figure out it was ur skirt like others? LOL!! Hope there is still some allowance to enable him make amendments.
me being me.. I was kinda hoping the guy made you feel flushed lol..
but yeah I immediately guessed it was your skirt thwt was too tight..
But what happens now?, does the guy have to buy the material and re-sew it?. It must be pretty expensive for Nigerian tailors to make mistakes.
LOL....Thankfully, Mr Mohammed can simply let the skirt out a bit. He says it will be ready this weekend...
He is actually a good tailor - one of my constants but he also has his moments....
no vex, lol . this is so funny. How are you?
Loll - it took you that long to figure it was your outfit? LMAO!!!
That outfit truly left u breathless!
But seriously wasnt it hard for u to zip up or something...eyah...glad u didnt faint
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