DJ Kool - Let me clear my throat
A friend of mine told me that my monumental soundbyte series is stunning him. He says he always assumed i only listen to ballads. Here's another shocker...LOL
I honestly am not a huge hip hop fan especially of a lot of the crap that's out today but there are some old school joints that i love - and this is one of them. For a long long time, i assumed this was a Doug E Fresh track. Is there a connection? If anyone knows....
I dont know too much about DJ Kool either except that this is his biggest hit and that he was on a couple of tracks on Will Smith's last cd (yes i own will smith cds). This song is guaranteed to get people dancing and rapping along.....Enjoy!
*If you would like this song, leave an email address in the comments section*
I'm not sure I know this song... but I'll download it and listen to it... maybe I missed it? Who knows....Have a nice weekend!
Some of y'all might know this, but some of y'all don't, this is one of the best club songs ever in hip hop.
I'm running through the song in my head and there have been so many versions. However I do remember one with beatboxing so may be doug e fresh was involved.
OMG...havent heard this in a minute...can i have it pretty please,with sugar on top?
have a great weekend.
Hey guys as you know the BLOGVILE IDOL CONTEST Would be kicking off on 11th JUNE 2007...Please help us make it a succes by participating..We already have our contestants(fellow bloggers)who would be singing in the voice comment player on the blogville idol page.We need you to listen to them and vote..Pls check our page (the Condition on entry) and see what is required for u voters to do and your voting dates,the voting poll would be up soon..Pls help us turn this to a success...and pls visit the page frequently...Tanx for ur support as we try to spice things up in blogville
I even remember the video for this song...
nice nostalgia...
Uzo being a man who loves music I might just steal this your soundbyte idea oh. Do I need copyright approval and if so pretty please ;)
I love music so much because of the memories that are stirred.
@Nyemoni: Have you downloaded it yet?
@Snazzy: You might be right - i found a version on a mixed cd thing that has doug e fresh and biz markie on it...that might be where i got that impression
@Naija vixen - shall be sending it off now
@BIdol: I shall be voting live and direct
@Soul: Ah the video....Off to youtube this...
@Morountodun: Feel free to borrow idea away....
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