Friday, December 08, 2006

I want........

These shoes are so adorable. I have a shoe thing obviously so i will use my blog to put up some things on my wish list. Well just because i can. Loving these.......


LondonBuki said...

I can't see the shoe clearly... it looks cute though.

I want to see your wish list!!!

I'll put one up close to Xmas just 'cos I can!!! :-)

The Life of a Stranger called me said...

so you like this shoe - its very cold outside - where will you were it to in this weather. LOL. I love shoes too.

Unknown said...

@LOASCM: Uzo is in Naija!! Good weather all year round!!!

The sandals look cool!! You didnt tell us what make it is or how much it costs!!! I would love to see ur wish list too.