Benicio Del Toro: he oozes sexuality and sensuality. He isnt handsome in the conventional way but he is just raw hotness

Blair Underwood: Since the days of LA Law...he is just hot....

Brad Pitt: the angelina thing i dont like but the adoption thing i love.eaving Jennifer i didnt like, but his smile irresistable....this man is blonde hotness....

Chris Tucker: he is funny, tall, a goof ball, has a nice smile and has bulked up in recent years...Hotness

Clive Owen: tall, hotness....He is so intense and i think he would have made a fabulous James Bond

Denzel Washington: he makes me want to behave myself and give myself over to his gentlemanly charms..he has an amazing smile, is pretty smart and is still looking so good

Djimon Hounsou: since the days of "Give us free", i have loked this chocolate man...I am not sure about the whole Kimora thing but hey....hotness still

Gary Dourdan: you didnt think i would forget my boo did you? There are no words....

Gerard Butler: oh yes...I have blogged about this man and the fabulousness of him playing King Leonidas.....of course he rocked in the Phantom of the Opera and in Attila but oh King Leonidas - make me your spartan woman

Isiah Washington: he disappointed me quite a bit with the whole gay remarks thing...but if i separate that, i still think he is hot

John Travolta: i have loved him since Grease...the cleft in his chin, his dance moves, his smile....

Johnny Depp: his intensity, his talent, his versatility, the lean look...oh johnny....me like you a lot

Patrick Dempsey: Dr McDreamy...his hair, his eyes, his smile and for taking Isiah Washington on
Oh wow... more loveliness to behold... God sure has made some beautiful men... love all your choices Uzo...
Actually I've never liked Isaiah and I'm sorta over Blair now... but love all the rest...
Immediately you mentioned WENTWORTH MILLER I almost disengaged the parts of my computer, wanting to fight with you...
That's my newest Hollywood crush (I pray my honey doesn't catch me two-timing him...lollll) J/K.
Ahhhhhh.....Wentworth Miller's blue eyes does it...and when he SQUINTS, even just a little bit...the whole world starts spinning.
Taye Diggs was my former crush...before Wentworth Miller.
Denzel Washington was my HANDSOME school father in high school...
I like this post. My Take:
Antonio Bandereas - I never really understood the attraction
Benicio Del Torro - Applying a hotness rating of -10 to +10 he's a definte -10.
I'll say no more.
Blair Underwood - Nah Never got that one either I'll throw you a 4.
Brad Pitt - Now we are talking. Hotness rating 9.9
Chris Tucker - mmmh I'd say 7.
He's guy next door good looking but he's too goofy.
At some point the irritation levels would be so high I'd have to drown him.
Clive Owen - In the words of that famous Philosopher Tevin
- 'Can we talk...for a minute'.
An 8.5
Denzel Washington - Sorry. Never understood that one either.
Djimon Hounsou - I love you. Will you be the father of my Kids?
Kimhora watch out. I'm coming for my Man. This man is off the scale.
Gary Dourdan - Yeah, whatever. 2.
Gerrard who? - Nil Point.
Isaiah Washington - Ewww. -10.
John Travolta - I'm soo over you! -5
Johnny Depp - Another one thats off the Scheezy!
Will you be my Baby Daddy number 2?
Patrick Dempsey - Pah!
Taye Diggs - Come here a minute let me take a closer look.
Can I cop a feel...I just need to be sure 8.5
Tyler Perry - I suppose in that sort of Suga Daddy you hot type way...shudder.
Wentworth Miller - Dead! I can't breathe. Perfectemundo.
My Hereem is complete.
To the Dude that came after Wentworth...sorry anything beyond my Wenty Poo is an anticlimax.
Sorry for defacing your comments.
Can you tell that I have too much time on my hands at the moment?
Antonio...oh antonio
Denzel... but of course!
Djimon --- yea, give us free days men..lol that line was a cracker
Gary Dourdan..hmmmmmmm..quiet daytime TV guy...but me likey a lot!!!
so why isnt boris kodjoe here? dont let's fight
and Daniel Craig...
and Pierce Brosnan?
Oh Uzo, you are making me commit sins of the eyes. I mustn't look, I mustn't look.... *sigh*
i almost fainted when i saw all those beautiful men on in this entry. i don't even know where to start! i LOVE LOVE LOVE djimon hounsou...i want THAT with fries and a shake.
gerard butler is beyond fine...oh, and he has dated sistas in the past so hmmmz.
denzel will ALWAYS be on my short list of most beautiful men in the world. his smile alone is enough to send me swooning.
Sorry but there is absolutely nothing sexy about Tyler Perry. I think he looks like a woman. Look at his lips... ewwww! I don't know but there is something very unmasculine about him. I laughed at the "sweep-back-hand-over-head" pose. Now on someone else that would be hot but Tyler? Nah!
Benicio makes me horny in a cavewoman kind of way. I mean give me a break but no one has the right to be so damn sexy in a mysterious and intriguing way. Now that's HOT!
Who else? Hmm... Chris Tucker just isn't my type. I love funny guys and all but that voice of his certainly won't be the reason I take my pants off! LOL!
Last but not least, what can I say? Brad Pitt is god!!!!!
i love ur list...
i am in love with Benicio Del Toro.... there is something about him...lol
i love denzel, will smith, brad pitt, blair u ....
HOT LIST....A+++++++++++
Djimon...Djimon... Djimon.. oh lawd.. Djimon.
Dourdan.. Dourdan... Dourdan..
Denzel... Denzel... Denzel..
oh jesus.
please forgive me, for I have sinned, I have commited the carnal sin of mind fornication.
I have whispered these names over and over..
oh lord, forgive, for my soul wishes not to be rescued from the fantasies it has created around these men.
Hear my prayer dear lord.
Please create more Dourdan's Djimon's and Denzel's :)
Banderas - ahh the man is too sexy - his eyes, his lips, his accent ... :-D
Benicio - I know what you mean! It's his voice that does it for me. It is soo rough and hewn - can so get why Scarlett had to just do him in the elevator.
Blair has always been my baby
Brad - I fell in love with him during Legends of the Fall and he's just more or less stuck with me ever since - he's like a classic bottle of wine. Plus you just imagine he would be soo cool and funny and down to earth.
Chris Tucker - used to think he was hot - now ... just a little whiny. His voice irritates me - that high pitch squeal thing? not cool.
Clive Owen - that man is just too sexy! he's got that whole lean, dark, animal chemistry goigng.
Denzel is my black Brad Pitt. Another classic. That man will still be beautiful at 90.
Djimon - have you seen the new CK adverts? Loll - he almosted melted off the page of my magazine.
Gary Dourdan - his eyes. Every time. He had a fling with Lisa Snowdon though - not too sure about that.
Gerald - his body, his acting, lolll - nuff said.
Isaiah - mmhhh I thought he was hot in Love Jones and I loved his character in Greys but that's it. He's also a little stupid but I think that whole Gay thing was taken in the wrong contest and he was unfairly typecast. Doesnt help that he was stupid and didn't help his case.
John Travolta - maybe once upon a time but definitiely not now. Cleft or no cleft.
Johnny Depp - I love this man. Everything about him - the whole package just makes up incredible HOTNESS. I think he's the only one that just might be cooler than Brad Pitt. His just seems soo effortless without even trying.
Patrick is just cute. I'm goign slightly off him - hope he redeems himself this season.
Taye Diggs - is not cool but his looks and voice make up for it. :-D
Dont know who Tyler Perry is
Wentworth - dear ladies is GAY. My heart dashed to a million pieces when I heard. He is perfection that has gone to waste.
Big Willie - is a man that has come to his own with age. He is infinitely more attractive/interesting the older he gets.
Where is Micheal Ealy on this list?!!
Scuse me miss where is Morris Chestnut on this list ehn????
Yup, wenworth definitely Gay...a great loss ladies, isnt it?
Wentworth miller and Gary Dourdan. Ahhhh! (Long, drawn out dreamy sigh)
when u start a list with antonio banderas... *swoon*
and u end with will smith... ahhhhhhhhh................
tres sinful!
I'll take Wentworth off your hands. You have too many.
There is no proof that he is gay jo. Its all publicity
I can't even comment on this line up.. bring out the ladies!!
lol at Jaycee - I can see she is really digging prison break. Oya, Uzo, when should we be planning your european tour - aka Italy?? we could a blogger outing, and then I will join you guys.. blind leading the blind hehehe..
Brad Pitt is okay by me, I dont care about who else.... that will do :D
Benicio del torro....the things I would do to this man...
Errr, Uzo, surely in the name of good research you should have found a picture of Djimon Honsou in one of those calvin Klein ads ... you know, the ones where he's wearing just boxers? Tut,tut!
My hotties are, Channing Tatum, Taye Diggs, Josh Hartnett, Joshua Jackson ... hmm, I'm sure there are more but I'll let you know when I remember.
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