Andy Garcia: He is one very good looking 51 year old...

Bruce Willis: This uber cool and still sexy 52 year old is my honey. His attitude towards his ex-wife's husband and the fact that their family unit seems to be working....him in Die Hard 4..his new bald look...his half smile thing...

Jack Nicholson: This 70 year old is not handsome in the conventional way. But he is a fabulous actor and a very very confident man. He is enjoying getting older, dating the ladies and being him. Love it.

Lionel Richie: Nicole's daddy is 58 this year. (Did you know that Nicole is his adopted daughter?). Anyway, i think Lionel is getting more attractive as he gets older. His voice and they way his fingers move over piano keys.....

Mikhail Baryshnikov: this 58 year old Russian ballet dancer can bend and contort his body in ways that amaze me. Sex and the City fans will remember him as Carrie's Russian

Pierce Brosnan: The so so suave 54 year old has a sexy Irish brogue too

Richard Gere: My darling Edward from Pretty Woman is 58

Robert DeNiro: i cannot believe this man is 64. Honestly where on earth is the time going? I fell in love with him the first time i saw him in The Godfather
Oooh, I like, I like, I like, I LOVE them all.. all aging like fine, fine, super-fine wine. Love Pacino (you're so right, he is living his life and loving it) and De Niro, Andy Garcia I have always just loved... Baryshnikov! Brosnan! So hot... Uzo, I love this...
Lionel is definitely MUCH finer now than he was as a young man - some of those early pics are downright scary...
Agree with you on Nicholson, he is not good-looking at all, but his confidence, his acting ability and most especially the vulnerability he is willing to display onscreen... that's what earns him big points in my book...
Where is GABRIEL BYRNE?? Please Uzo, add Gabriel Byrne, I love that man...
You know how I feel about 'Rocky', so Stallone would have been on my list... although he's really overdone it with the botox and the plastic surgery.. but I still can't help but love the man... and I really think Dustin Hoffman is a sweet lil cutie with that massive honker of his... and of course just because I love you, I will have to forgive you for forgetting DHARMENDRA my favourite old-papa... but there I go waltzing away into my weird world of people that probably only I think are hot...
Uzo I'm so loving this... long live 'Hotness Week' (or Hotness 2-weeks or whatever)!!
Argghh... Uzo where is Harrison Ford?? I had the hugest crush on him at one time... ok so he sorta lost some of the hotness with the big mid-life crisis - divorcing his wife of donkey years, wearing an earring that made him look silly, hooking up with Calista... hasn't made any good films recently... yeah, even I don't think he's hot anymore actually... but Gabriel Byrne...
Uzo, see what you have caused... MEL GIBSON! MORGAN FREEMAN! Even Clint Eastwood sef, and those his squinty ol' eyes... ok, I'll stop now... or at least I'll try to. I used to have a thing for older men, but I'm over it now (or so I thought LOL)... and OMG!! Please tell me you did not leave SIDNEY POITIER off your list... and Harry Belafonte...
Can i marry all these men,like seriously. I fall in love, over and over..
al pacino..love him
robert de niro...HOT
ANDY GARCIA... got married to him in my dreams oooo...
love ur list ...
sean connery...simply gorgeous...
oh andy garcia is hottttttt!
when i was like 10 i always wanted to be hugged by bruce willis.. sigh!
i dont believe pierce brosnan is 54- my Good Lord!
and i will STILL marry sean connery!
Gosh, considering the fact that I LOVE older men! Let's see here. I'll shag Andy Garcia, Bruce Willis (twice) & Brosnan.
Now, Deniro? Oh Deniro! Let me be your love slave!!!
Sorry but Mr. Jerry Curls himself Lionel Richie does nothing for me. Neither does alien face Nicholson, that uncanny grin of his... goosebumps!
Are you kidding me? Stedman? Ewwwww!!!!!
awww.. who can I pick?? gosh!! pls ADD RMD o( he is 50 and above innit? )!! make I no vex u!! lol..
Sean C my paddy is just too hawt.. lol
oh and that indian man.. amitab abi wetin them call am?
Al Pacino, Bruce Willis,
Pierce Pierce Brosnan...oh dear
My darling Gere
Sean Connery can pass for my grandfather so is it okay i call him cute???
Pierce Brosnan is tops for me though...on this list..any day. any time.
I love love love Bruce Willis, Lionel Richie, Pierce Brosnan and Richard Gere!! If any of them asked me out, who cares about the 30 or so years age gap, I'd say yes!! Lionel Richie would probably top the list because that voice, those songs .... mmmm.
You're on your own with Jack Nicholson. I've never been able to understand how he gets such pretty and young girlfriends.
Whatever happened to Roger Moore? He's my own favorite James Bond.
Yummy selection. First time here; would be back later to choose my favourites.
I cant believe the ages of some of these guys. They've been around forever but are true-greats. I should do something on Vanessa Williams, Phylicia Rashad and a few others
Bruce has my vote
I love sean Connery the most,his voice,his eyes, his everything!
If I meet him, I'll soooo go out if I can if I can. even if hes 80!
I love love connnery.
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