Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Monumental Soundbyte - 41

Los Del Rio - Macarena

Finally, a song that makes my list that i simply cannot stand. This is the most annoying song ever and came complete with an even more annoying dance that made people look like chickens. Appalling.

This song came onto the scene in 1996 i believe and it was even more amazing to see the video. Two old men. Wearing suits. Apparently Macarena is a woman's name. Hard to tell considering that the song is in Spanish and has the very annoying chorus. I wont diss the name too much since its the name of one of the daughters of one of the singers.

Can you imagine that this song spent 14 weeks at the top of the US pop charts and sold 11 million copies? Un-freaking-believable.

The song didnt come ready with a dance. Here is the biggest fluke ever: the dance was formed by some Venezualan flamenco dancer who used it in her class. And somehow, the it caught on world wide. How on earth does that happen?

Enough said - historic song but plain awful - at least to me.


LondonBuki said...

LOL!!!! It really was an annoying BUT catchy song. And when I saw the video... I was surprised.

So why did this song make your list?

Anonymous said...

eehhhhh macarena... lol

♥♫♪nyemoni♫♪♥ said...

Heyyyyyyyyyy Macarena