Forbes has published its annual Richest List and look who comes in at number 334. Yup...the first Nigerian to make it onto this list ever is Aliko Dangote. Go here to read more.....
A lot of people say a few Nigerians including Aliko have been singled out to benefit from government. Well, sure to some extent but it happens all over the world. My dad calls it enlightened self interest. You have influential friends, they open doors for you and voila...
I have a lot of respect for him though in the sense that unlike a lot of people who have influential friends that simply divert money (they sit back and rub their hands with glee as the millions hit their Swiss bank accounts).... this man works. People who know him will tell you they wonder when he sleeps. Meetings held at 2am after putting in regular work hours. The same can be said for Mike Adenuga whose midnight meetings at his golden office are famous.
Anyway, Aliko has my respect as well in the fact that he really doesnt take himself too seriously and is really humble. I have been at events when i have been shoved out of the way by Arnold Schwarzneggar wannabe's in oversized coats and cheap sunglasses - the security detail for Kabiyesi He Ha of Mushin Omole Local Government 1 or The Ndi Igbo of Mirin Ngwa or some other such lackey. Aliko comes in unassuming in his babanriga, walks in and sits down. If he happens to be recognized by the MC, he wont get up, he will simply smile and do his thing. Love that.
Another reason, i respect this man, is he is human. LOL....
Case in point - at my friend's wedding last May, i was one of the bridesmaids. Wearing a tea length dress and heels. Dancing time...and ladies, you know what means. All bridesmaids to the dance floor with money bag in hand. Kneeling on the floor to pick up money with people dancing and bumping into you takes the joy out of your heart fast. So there we are. And some of these people, swaggering onto the dance floor, spraying their 20 and 50 naira notes with aplomp. I got up and opened the bag hoping for some respite. Instead, see these women dressed to the teeth with their coats of many colors (i mean their skin here), dance backwards for 10 paces, then come forward for 5, shimmy to the ground and then spray the couple with 50 naira. Then go on and on boogeying while we the bridesmaids are on the floor scavenging for the notes and trying not to get our fingers crushed by the shoes. There was even a point when i just knelt there not picking anything.
Anyway, Aliko comes to the dance floor, shakes the hands of the bride and the groom, looks at us sweating and dishevelled brides maids, smiles and says well done, brings out a few bundles of 1000 naira notes and places the money directly into our bags. He sways a little like 3 sways a side all the while smiling. He now counts out a few 1000 and gives directly to each bridesmaid and says you are good friends. He leaves the dance floor and by the time we had gotten off the dance floor, the man had gone. That is the way to do things people....LOL
Seriously, something good in a global publication about a Nigerian. Me likey.....
most wealthy nigerians are insecure, you can't blame them. It is the way the nigerian socieety operates - it gives the impression of respecting wealthy pple that are lawless and that feeds on the wealthy pple's insecurity, the more.
one of the solutions could be; being honest with them. aliko dangote is a blessed man because he has honest and pple with integrity surrounding him and i guess, that he is one, himself.
as the saying, goes, "like begets like."
uzo: my sister, u dey lucky as dangote come gi una some cool wadada abi na naira for ur friend's wedding. hmmmmmmmm... that says a lot about you, u know whaa i mean.
stay cool.... sista.
i'v always been an admirer of Dangote, like you rightly pointed out he could have taken the route of the "swiss bank" but today he is an employer of significant number of the Nigerian population.
I laughed out loud at your description of the dance...u knw d one step foward ten backwards thing.
its great to see a fellow nigerian on the list, me i pray one day i can be on that list
In Jesus Name
Me likey too. I have always respected Dangote. Years ago, he visited the states and the wall street journal carried it, a Nigerian business man was in town,the guys makes me proud.He deserves to be on that list. More power to his elbow.
As an investment banker and one who has had to deal with wealthy individuals with to die for portfolios, I am really in awe of Aliko dangote to say the least. I don't know him but he carries himself well and you have to work hard to sustain this kind of wealth or it goes liquid and drips out.
Good one, we should do lunch Uzo, I'm in lagos all of May. Holla @ a sista..
Aliko - good on him. What does he exactly do. Just joking, nice to see a Nigerian on the list..Watch out for me, 2012 list.
oh wowwwwwwwwwww... im so proud.. not sure i ever heard of him.. but fantastic person.. you dont see this that much anymore.. but come oh babe didnt they ban money spraying in naij?
me likey too. OWNB...ban money spraying? the ones who have the money to spray are "above the law". what do they care?
For the love of me commented at one of my posts that you also talked about Aliko, so I thought I would come read. Good to read about a private encounter and especially a positive one. I think I will link my readers to this for an additional view of things.
Hope all is well.
I waz here
He gets my respect. Lovely post. A respectful way to shower people praise. How have you been?
The best thing about Aliko is that he worked really hard for his wealth unlike other Nigerian rich people eg Ibori that simply dip their hands into public coffers. He makes us so proud without the niggling feeling of it being undeserved...
Its good to see people Like Aliko Dangote giving Nigeria good press for a change.
Nice one...
nice to see one of ours made the list
Uzo, it sounds like you are auditioning for Dangote's 5th or maybe 10th wife. How patronising of you with all those accolades you just gave some humble mallam because his name landed in forbes billinaires list; mind u I am from the north and northerners are always humble and amiable in character; so dont be carried away my dearie.
besides, it's an open secret that billions of nigerian stolen money have been laundered in dangote's wealth; but for you and many small minded nigerians...singing praises to any man with money has always been a fovourite past time. Oh, I forgot, you are Ibo...money, money, money! that's what U likey
I agree, the man is a hardworker...and hardwork pays off in the long run. Mehn you lucked in oh, Dangote "settled" peeps? ;-)
@ Anon, Why attack Uzo? I'm a northerner too and much respect to Dongote. At least he's employing people not transfering govt cash to a swiss acct.
He's not married apparently (divorced I suppose). I heard that a while back and Forbes magazine lists his marital status as N/A.
But can't he build a school like Oprah did with her billions?
i agree with you about aliko being a hard worker. a bit like abiola, source of money dodgy but pours it into the country and creates employment. if more people did that, we'd generally improve massively in nigeria
are you people on drugs????? the man is running a freaking monopoly, squashing competition, killing local industry (it hasn't occurred to you people that if there was more competition, there'd be more jobs and less unemployed youths) and because he landed on some list, we are shouting and making noise, abeg make man pikin hear word o jare, because he is smart about his corruption does not mean he is not corrupt, puhhhlleeeaaasseee!!!!
@ Anonymous 8:29, like I said on Jeremy's article about this same topic, you guys just love the beef people. Don't all businesses aspire to be monopolies? You only need to look at the practices of the great American businessmen to get your answer.
he has this smirk on his face that says,'IM RICHER THAN YOU, LOL'. hes a top man though. i like him
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